brave fahmi, i watch your interview on alhiwar tv
- المجموعة: رسائل موجّهة الى المحامي فهمي شبانة
- اسم المراسل: brave fahmi, i watch your interview on alhiwar
- نصَ المراسلة: brave fahmi, i watch your interview on alhiwar tv,i feel sorry because the host (almothee3) was very week and he looklike have no background in yhe palestinian affairs,so (kheerha be gheerha),i think you should concentrate in using your website more and more and keep it active all the time,also it should be the mission of all the honest people to coppy files from your website and spread it on the facebook or in utube to give more people the chance to see what the palestinian authority do and as you minshioned they are exactly like jaysh lahed,and i think there future will be like jaysh lahed, so keep on brother , god pless you
- إجابة من المحامي فهمي شبانة التميمي: شكرا لك اخي الكريم وربنا الموفق والمعين وربنا ييسر ابناء الحلال اللي زيك انشاء الله
إضافة التعليقات متوقفة حاليا - ترجى المعذرة.
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